Wednesday, April 7, 2010


April 7th, 2010:
Wedding is around the corner (I'm a bridesmaid. Don't worry, I'm still single)
so today is "Detox Day" again -- many times I have failed because it's just HARD... the kind of detox I do is from the weight loss program I signed up (Isagenix), and on "cleansing days" -- the only stuff you consume are "cleanse for life" (this juice that i really really really HATE - i don't like the taste), and drink as much water as you can. the only "solid" food you can have is the Isagenix Snacks -- which is a chocolate (or vanilla) wafer the size of a quarter -- you can have 6 a day.

In the past, before the day ends I would give up and all hell broke loose... so I am trying again, we'll see how it goes.

On "shake days", I usually have 1 meal a day and the other 2 meals are replaced with a shake, which is pretty ok -- i don't really get hungry. I like how I only have to worry about what to eat once a day. Normally, you have to do 1 cleanse day a week, but the program that I am trying to follow right now is the 9-day program (if you want to lose a lot of weight in a short period of time). it consists of 2 "cleanse days", and then 5 "shake days", followed by another 2 "cleanse days" -- it's rigorous, but it's effective. I just have to really stick to it.

so far I have lost 20 lbs and people do notice the weight loss. Although sometimes I feel discouraged when I don't see the scale move, but I measure myself every week -- and my mentor was right -- that even if i don't lose pounds quickly, I will lose inches. so despite the needle being stuck at one number, I still lose inches. I have already lost 4 dress sizes. ;-)

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